The Book


What are the chances of us taking a shot from here on Earth towards the Moon and hitting the target? In this work, Augusto Salomon adopts the English expression Moonshot for the universe of sales, which is widely used in the world of technological entrepreneurship.

The term is an inspiration to think about new ideas in an ambitious and innovative way, aiming for unimaginable advances. This thought, combined with a lot of preparation and planning, guarantees an infallible and constant system of good sales. This book is aimed at all sellers who dream big, who seek to go beyond the average, who want to achieve large-scale results with sales. All of this without fearing goals, but rather treating them as allies, as milestones to be surpassed.

"Why do we need another book on sales?". The answer is simple: this scenario is highly dynamic and will continue to change as new challenges arise. Sellers need to develop new skills and competences to avoid becoming obsolete." Dr. Adam Rapp, Executive Director of the Ralph and Luci Schey Sales Center, from the University of Ohio, USA.

About the Author

Augusto Salomon has a degree in Electronic Engineering from the National Institute of Telecommunications (Inatel) and has obtained two MBAs — one from the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) in Brazil (2001), and another from Ohio University in the United States (2015).

In 2017, he was one of the 55 global participants selected for a pilot program at Singularity University, a renowned center for innovation and entrepreneurship in California's Silicon Valley. Furthermore, in 2023, he graduated from the prestigious General Management Program - GMP at Harvard Business School.

Currently (2024), he is the Senior Vice-President at Algar Telecom, one of the largest technology companies in Brazil.

He is an advisor and enthusiast about Artificial Intelligence and is also the author of the book: Artificial Intelligence

Additionally, in 2017, he reached a significant milestone, accumulating one billion dollars in sales throughout his career — a highly noteworthy and distinctive achievement, particularly given his field of operation. 

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Moonshot Sales

It's not about selling more, it's about overcoming.

It's about dreams and about achievements.

The author demonstrates with real stories and personal experiences that if there is something in common among outstanding sellers, it is far from being 'good genetics' or simply 'being born for sales.

"What makes a difference is thinking big from the start and aligning this personal ambition with a lot of study, training, planning, and dedication. He seeks to prove that it is possible to be exceptional in sales as long as you know the customer, and there is preparation, internal motivation, execution, and resilience. All of this, combined with good conversation, is what brings good results."

"The term is an inspiration to think about new ideas in an ambitious and innovative way, aiming for unimaginable advances. This thinking, coupled with much preparation and planning, ensures a fail-proof and consistent system for good sales."